jkindley@henriott.com  |  765.838.8613


Purdue University – Krannert School of Management

BS in Strategy and Organizational Management

What other professions have you tried? 

Human Resources

Why did you choose insurance as your profession? 

I chose this industry to try something outside of my comfort zone. I loved HR but wanted to broaden my skills and work in an industry outside of manufacturing.

Why did you choose Henriott? 

I choose Henriott because I wanted to work for a company that values and develops their employees. I wanted to grow personally and professionally and felt that Henriott was the right place for me!

Hometown/Where do you reside? 

I bought the house that I grew up in, so I live in my hometown of Royal Center.

What is your biggest pet peeve? 

People who are rude to service workers.

What was your all-time best Halloween costume? 

My friend and I dressed up as Jimmy and Chazz from Blades of Glory. Our costumes were homemade and TERRIBLE, but it was the best time!

If you could splurge on one must-have item, what would it be? 

I would love to have a pool someday!

If you could go back to any era, what would it be? 

The 1970’s

Which superpower do you wish you had? 


If you could close your eyes and be anywhere on earth when they opened, where would you be? 

Greece, I have never been, but I hate flying so don’t know if I could handle a long flight, so this would be perfect.

What is your favorite TV/Movie? 

I really like a lot of different shows and it depends on my mood, I like The Golden Girl’s, Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, Parks and Recreation, The Office to name a few!

What is your favorite childhood meal? 

Grill nights at my parents in the summertime. My dad would make tons of different food on the grill, and we usually always had strawberry shortcake for dessert.

Do you volunteer anywhere? If so, where and why? 

I have done a few Walk to End Alzheimer’s and walked dogs for local animal shelters.

What was your best vacation? 

The best vacation I have been on was my last family vacation in 2018 where I went on a cruise and Gulf Shore’s with my family and husband!

Contact Jessica Kindley