Left of Bang
Posted by: Kelly Kitchel on Wednesday, May 1st 2019
I have been traveling the state with some really great people who have the same mindset as me. We all want to help Indiana schools protect themselves from negative life altering events that could happen in their building. One of my partners is former military and swat team member that now works in the public school space. He introduced me to a term that I had not heard before.
“Left of Bang”
When he said it my ears perked up a bit and I was intrigued by what this means. The way he described it is that when a devastating event happens, that is considered the “Bang” point. ”Bang” could be anything from someone tripping over a cord and breaking their hip to an active killer entering a school building shooting to kill faculty and students. Everything leading up to that bang point is left of bang and everything that happens following the event is right of bang. My duty as their insurance agent and risk manager is to help schools LIVE left of bang. We must be diligent in our efforts to be proactive instead of only reactive. If you are looking for ways to stay left of bang then give me a call, I can help.